Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| July 28, 1889
Kaysville Kinks
July 28, 1889
  • Last night the Kaysville choir and brass band, together with a large number of friends, assembled at the residence of Mr. Joseph Barton, the respected leader of the above named organizations, to commemorate the forty-first anniversary of that gentleman’s birthday. The lawn was beautifully illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and while some amused themselves with swinging and other amusements on the outside, the other guests enjoyed themselves by playing games of all kinds and dancing in the house, which had been thrown entirely open for the enjoyment of all present. Singing by the choir and music by the brass band were marked features evening’s enjoyment and showed that Mr. Barton had labored very energetically to get them so near perfect on the pieces rendered. The songs, duetts, instrumental selections, etc., rendered by the other friends present, were very pleasing and contributed largely to the enjoyment of all
  • Mr. and Mrs. Barton as host and hostess are a success. They kept their guests well entertained, and also well refreshed with all the good things that can be mentioned until away into the morning, when they dispersed with the best of wishes for both, especially for Mr. Barton, whose birthday they had met to celebrate.
  • May he live long to enjoy the society of his family and friends, and may each succeeding year bring together the same happy throng that assembled last evening.  KAYSVILLE July 26.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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Kaysville Kinks

Petitions are Being Circulated – Other News Items. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barton died last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Paul Thomarsen, the U. P. Agent...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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