Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| April 19, 1891
Kaysville Kinks
April 19, 1891

Personal, General and Business News of the Town.

A Serious Accident that Might Easily Have Proven Fatal–Historical and Debating Club’s Entertainment.

  • The first session of the Kaysville city council for several months was held on last Monday evening, May-or Stewart in the chair. There were present Councilors Barnes, Sheffield, Burton, Linford, Blood and Blamires, and Recorder Phillips. A good deal of business was transacted.


  • The annual stockholders’ meeting of the Kaysville Brick and Tile Manufacturing company was held last Tuesday at 10 a. m. The annual report was read and received, after which the following named persons were elected as a board of directors for the ensuing year: Hyrum Stewart, W. L. Galbraith, Thomas H. Phillips, H. J. Sheffield, John G. M. Barnes, T. G. Everill ana J. H. Larkins.


  • On next Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock, the Kaysville Historical and Debating club will hold their last meeting of the season. The following programme has been arranged for the occasion:
    Song ……..Miss Minnie Williams
    Humorous ……..Reading G. T. Hyde
    Debate: “Resolved, that the Right of Franchise Should be Granted to Women.” Affirmative George W. Barnes and O. A. Taylor. Negative C. Burton, jr., and Henry H. Blood
    Recitation ……..Miss Lissa Ball
    Instrumental Selection ……..Miss Minnie Barnes
    Recitation ……..J. C. Jamison
    Quartette ……..Mrs. Sarah Taylor, Miss Ella Lewis, W. W. Sheffield, and J. H. Linford jr.


  • Mr. Joseph Egbert is out again after a two months sickness.
  • The Mutual Improvement associations will hold their monthly conjoint session on Sunday evening next.
  • So far as we are able to learn the fruit crop has not received much injury from the recent frosts.
  • Although considerable grain has been killed out by the bad weather of the past winter, it is expected there will be quite an abundant harvest.
  • Mr. John White, Mr. LewisS. Hills, Mr. David White and Miss Florence M. Smith were among the number that visited Kaysville from the capital this week.
  • A full-grown live lynx is attracting large crowds of people. The animal was caught in a trap on John W. Burton’s farm, a short distance from here, and was brought to town as a curiosity.
  • The Kaysville Dramatic club has under rehearsal the drama “Driven to the Wall.” The play is a very good one and will no doubt draw a large audience. It will be presented in the course of two or three weeks.
  • A boy about thirteen years of age, a son of Mrs. Sarah J. Layton, met with an accident on last Sunday afternoon, which came near proving fatal. While out hunting on the range, a shot-gun in the hands of his older brother was discharged, the load taking effect in the lad’s back. Dr. Bulmer was called and succeeded in extracting several of the leaden missiles, and at last accounts the boy was doing well.      M.
    KAYSVILLE, April 17, 1891.

Kaysville News

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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