Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| December 7, 1892
Kaysville Kinks
December 7, 1892

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference.

A Horse Thief Caught–Death of Mrs. Barton–Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side.

  • The unpropitious weather of yesterday detracted considerably from the attendance at the stake conference. In the morning Joseph H. Grant, Apostle Abram H. Cannon and Arthur Winters were the speakers. The house was crowded in the afternoon and Rosal Hyde of Kaysville and President Joseph F. Smith addressed the congregation upon the general duties of the Saints, both temporal and spiritual.


  • On Saturday morning William Wallace rode into town and tied his horse near one of our public buildings while he attended to some business. During his absence an Intoxicated individual took possession of the horse and rode out of town without attracting attention, Wallace discovered his loss about noon and started In pursuit, but the man eluded him and started for Salt Lake by a circuituous route. He was taken in by Chief of Police Gailey before reaching Farmington.
    He spent Sunday in the city bastille and his morning was given a hearing before Justice J. W. Gailey, who held him to await the action of the grand jury.
    The prisoner gave his name as P. J. Ahern. He was taken to the county jail by Sheriff Laycock this afternoon.


  • Shortly before 1 o’clock this afternoon the spirit of Mrs. Rachael Barton, wife of Frank Barton, took its flight to the realms or sweet deliverance. Mrs. Barton has been very low for several weeks, and her death has been feared and expected almost momentarily for the last few days. She leaves two children, the youngest but an infant.
    The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mansell, and she has a large circle of friends who sincerely deplore her untimely departure. THE HERALD extends condolence to the bereaved family. She was just past 27 years of age at the time of her death.


  • A blacksmith shop belonging to T. H. Hodson, at Layton, was destroyed by fire on Friday evening. The loss was nominal. It is thought the fire was started by a drunken tramp, who occupied the place that night.


The following programme has been arranged for the meeting of the World’s Fair Columbian club on Wednesday evening:
Music ……..Brass Band
Glee, “Merrily Goes Our Bark” ……..Glee Club
Speech ……..Mrs. F. S. Richards of Salt Lake
Song ……..W. W. Sheffield
Speech …….. Mrs. Lucy Clark
Recitation ……..Mrs. John W. Thornley
Song, “My Western Home” ……..Mrs. Agnes Olsen Thomas, of Salt Lake
Speech ……..John R. Barnes
Instrumental Selection ……..Mis Nora Bonnamort°
Song ……..Mrs. Sarah Tailor
Recititation ……..Mrs. Carrie Blamires

  • The ladies are very much interested in the World’s fair exhibit, and Intend to make a good showing for Davis county.


  • It has been snowing here all day.
  • The brass band Is arranging a concert to be given next week.
  • The Sunday school children will be given a picnic and dance at the Music boll on Friday next. A dance will be given for adults in the evening.
  • John Knighting and E. T. Wood, the men arrested last week for conspiracy in connection with recent fires at Bountiful, as stated in THE HERALD of Sunday, will have an examination on Wednesday.                M.
                                             KAYSVILLE, December 5, 1892

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Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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