Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude.
- Editor CLIPPER:– The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive article, which appeared in your columns about a year ago.
- The selectmen, who recently retired from the county court earned the respect and gratitude of tax payers, during their term in office. They administered the affairs of the county judiciously and were careful in their expenditures as if expending the funds from their own purses.
- One member has the credit of permitting an advance in his assessment without a murmur or protest, but then it must be taken into consideration that it came through the magnanimity of his colleague Eph.
- We hope the new members will act harmoniously with the Judge for the welfare of the county and give us, during the next two years as good results from their labors as we have received during the past two years.
- It is said that the “Kaysville Eagle” will spread it pinons in about ten days.
- We acquire in your leader of last week that two papers will thrive better in the county than a single publication.
- Many of the early settlers remember well a remark made by the then presiding bishop in these parts that after about one dozen pioneers had settled on the choice creek bottoms and used all the water that then flowed from the mountains, “That there was land to spare for other but no water.”
- Now, after a lapse of of forty years, we have a population of about three thousand, and still opportunities will be found for an increase of many thousands in years to come.
- When we remember that at the present time we have a school census of nearly three thousand in the county and the ratio of increase will be much greater in the next ten years, which will probsably double the number of school pupils by the end of the century.
- So we say success to every enterprise that shall be made for the betterment of the county.
- How would it suit the readers of the CLIPPER to have published monthly all the marriage licensed issued by our genial county clerk; from such a list, we would become acquainted with those who may be led to Hymens alter. We then could extend to them the congratulations of FRANK