KAYSVILLE — volunteers prepared grave site decorations ahead of the annual cemetery tour.
Ghosts, businessmen, pioneers, founding mothers and more were spotlighted on Saturday, October 22 from 1-3 p.m.

Live reenactments were a highlight of this year’s Walking With The Dead Cemetery Tour as testified by the line of participants formed ahead of the opening. After two seasons of COVID pandemic which forced virtual and self-guided tours, history buffs were delighted to participate in the live Kaysville Cemetery event presented by the KFH Museum. Among the spotlighted individuals this year were 1847 pioneers and an immigrant from Mexico.
Guided through this year’s featured grave sites in small groups, enthusiasts added up to a large crowd. As a result of interest and the sleeting rain – which luckily held off until the last few minutes, the City Cemetery Sexton has offered to keep the displays up through Halloween!
Despite the extended calendar, contest forms were due Monday at 5 p.m. The winner of a fun gift basket featuring a Kneaders gift certificate is **Mia Trujillo**. Congratulations! We’ll be in touch.
Thanks to the Kaysville City, Utah Historic Preservation Commission who assisted the Kaysville-Fruit Heights Museum of History & Art with refreshments. A shout out to Christine Deppe, Evelyn Waldron, Fay Croxford, for joining the board, committees, and service volunteers in presenting the stories, passing out the treats and distributing contest entry forms. A huge thanks to city cemetery staff and Trent Walker.