Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| October 14, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
October 14, 1890
  • The weather is quite frosty.
  • This has been a very dismal, stormy week.
  • Mr. James Underwood, of Salt Lake, was up on business last Tuesday.
  • We notice that R. W. Barnes has “hung out his shingle” as agent of the Fireman’s Fund Insurance company, of San Francisco, Cal.
  • We are informed that Mr. William R. Jamieson intends soon to open a gent’s furnishing goods store at his premises on Main street.  We welcome all such evidences of the growth of our city.
  • Mr. and Mrs. George Layton, the young couple who had the connubial knot tied at the fair last Thursday afternoon, were tendered a hearty reception on their arrival home that night.  We join their friends in wishing them a prosperous journey through life.
  • The People’s party campaign club meets next Thursday at 7:30 p.m.   All friends of the party are invited to be present and aid by their example and influence in awakening in the minds of the registered voters a greater interest in political matters, so that Kaysville precinct may poll a full vote in favor of John T. Caine at the November election.     M.  KAYSVILLE, October 13.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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Kaysville Kinks

Petitions are Being Circulated – Other News Items. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barton died last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Paul Thomarsen, the U. P. Agent...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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