- The meeting of the Ladies’ Columbian club, last Wednesday evening proved a success; those attending felt amply repaid for so doing.
- Our Union Pacific Agent, Paul Thomassen, was called to Logan, Friday as a witness against three jail birds he assisted in capturing here last week.
- Some of our stores are putting on their holiday attire, and the cold weather with a good share of the beautiful, makes one think that Xmas is near at hand.
- Friday was a gala day for most of our older people as well as young. An entertainment was given at the Music hall, commencing at 10:30a.m, by Sunday school. The programme consisted of songs, recitations, etc. A dance in the afternoon for the children, it is safe to say, but very few remained away, and one in the evening for adults wound up the day.
- We are again called upon to mourn the loss of one of our most respected members. Shortly before one o’clock, on Monday afternoon, the spirit of Mrs. Rachel Mansel Barton, wife of Frank Barton, took its flight to realms beyond, Mrs Barton had been very sick for some time, but hopes were entertained for her recovery until ashort time before her death. She was only twenty seven years old. Leaves to mourn her loss husband and two small children besides a host of relatives and friends. The funeral took place on Wednesday, at one o’clock. A large concourse of people followed the remains to its last resting place, as Mrs Barton was very well known and respected here. Our sympathy is extended to those dear ones left behind. DENNIS
Kaysville Dec. 11th.
Kaysville Kinks
Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals. Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay. Lucern crops are...