Kaysville Kinks

Death of  Mrs. Barton – A Notorious Individual Arrested – Other Locals The Young Men’s and Young Ladies Mutual Improvement associations held their regular monthly conjoint session at the meeting house Sunday evening.  As is usual with these meetings there...

Kaysville Kinks

Visitors at the Temple – Brick makers Waiting for Summer Days. About four hundred Kaysvillites and probably two hundread people from Layton were in Zion last Saturday viewing the superbly beautiful and magnificent temple.  The grandeur displayed within the...

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the house being filled to overflowing.  All seemed to rejoice and a good spirit prevailed. The...

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first, moving into their place near the centre of town. The Union Pacific has made another change...

Kaysville Kinks

Petitions are Being Circulated – Other News Items. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barton died last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Paul Thomarsen, the U. P. Agent was in Ogden on last Tuesday attending the trial of some prisoners he assisted in...