Kaysville Kinks

A Successful Concert – Visitors From Mexico. H.J. Sheffield has moved into his new store, every thing is in tip top style. Zamloch the magician, will give performances in the Music hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Mrs. Gallrauth, mother of W.L. Galrauth Jr....

Kaysville Kinks

The meeting of the Ladies’ Columbian club, last Wednesday evening proved a success; those attending felt amply repaid for so doing. Our Union Pacific Agent, Paul Thomassen, was called to Logan, Friday as a witness against three jail birds he assisted in capturing here...

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught–Death of Mrs. Barton–Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday detracted considerably from the attendance at the stake conference. In the morning...

Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference–Columbian Club Meeting–Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. — Heber J. Sheffield has very nearly completed his magnificent business block on Main street, and...

Kaysville Kinks

A Budget of interesting Items from the Thriving Town. The school census reports have not been received from all parts of the county yet, but Superintendent Linford estimates that there are about 2,350 school children in the county, an increase of about fifty over last...