Kaysville Kinks

A Coming Social Event Crop Prospects Good and Farmers Happy Elaborate preparations are being made for the leap year ball to be given by the Woman’s Suffrage association on Monday evening, the 29th inst. The committee in charge are doing everything possible to make it...

Kaysville Kinks

Last Thursday evening the officers and teachers of the Sunday school and a few invited friends gathered at the residence of H. J. Sheffield, one of the assistant superintendents of the school, and gave him a genuine surprise. Some of his friends kept him uptown until...

Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR THE STANDARD:– Last Thursday, as Chris. E. Layton was driving some cattle to Salt Lake City I or J. II. Larkins, when in Farmington his horse slipped on the ice fell down. Unfortunately falling on Mr. Layton’s leg, severely bruising the ankle and leg. It...

Kaysville Kinks

Newsy Notes From the Thriving Northern Burg. As far as the returns are in, Davis county polled 72 per cent. of the registration lists. Contrary to the general expectation, Layton proved herself to be an overwhelmingly Democratic precinct. It was feared I that she had...

Kaysville Kinks

Several Now Residences Now Being Erected There. Farmers Jubilant Over the Recent Storm–The Farmington Choral and Glee Club. William Wood and William White were in town yesterday. The storm of Thursday night was a lolla, and it is to be hoped that the end is not...