by JRobins | May 3, 1891 | Kaysville News
General and Personal News of Davis County. The dance in the Music hall last evening was well attended. Mrs. John Southworth and children are in from Tooele City on a visit. Miss Florence and Miss Cumorah Smith were up from Salt Lake last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James H....
by JRobins | Apr 22, 1891 | Kaysville News
The Tramp Nuisance Getting Beyond Endurance. Death of a Little Son of Chris. Layton’s– The Herald’s Agent Meeting With Good Success–General News. Mr. Willard Gailey returned yesterday morning from a trip to Preston, Idaho. Mr. Edward M. West was in town...
by JRobins | Apr 19, 1891 | Kaysville News
Personal, General and Business News of the Town. A Serious Accident that Might Easily Have Proven Fatal–Historical and Debating Club’s Entertainment. The first session of the Kaysville city council for several months was held on last Monday evening, May-or...
by JRobins | Apr 5, 1891 | Kaysville News
A Lady Station Agent of the Rio Grande Western. Personal. Social. Business and Amusement–Notes of the Thriving City in Davis County. The weather has been very pleasant again the last few days. The Kaysville Brick and Tile Manufacturing company have...
by JRobins | Mar 19, 1891 | Kaysville News
A Serious Accident to Mrs John W Burton. Lr Grippe Taking Leave–Good Work of the Historical and Debating Club– General News. The la grippe epidemic has nearly left us. A few more days of this fine weather and we will have dusty roads. William...