by JRobins | Nov 9, 1890 | Kaysville News
C. E. Pearson was in town on official business last Thursday. We are informed that Wessels & Co. will open their millinery and dry goods store on Monday. Mr. J. R. Proudfoot had his barber shop burglarized on Sunday morning and several razors taken. We notice by...
by JRobins | Nov 2, 1890 | Kaysville News
The Patriotic Citizens of Kaysville Have a Grand Rally The Liberals Also There Cat Their Meeting Slimly Attended—Tramps Enter a House and Extract Edibles. KAYSVILLE Nov. 1, 1890. Hurrah for Caine! Last Tuesday the “Goodwin Pilgrims” arrived here about 9 a. m. and were...
by JRobins | Oct 26, 1890 | Kaysville News
Dr. C. A. Knox of Ogden, and Dr. Hodges of Salt Lake were among our visitors during the week. Who can say that the population of Kaysville is not increasing rapidly? There has been seven births in the past two weeks, and no deaths are reported. Our well-known...
by JRobins | Oct 26, 1890 | Kaysville News
From our special correspondent. KAYSVILLE, Oct. 25, 1890 Last Tuesday evening fire was discovered on the premises of joseph O. Walsh. Upon investigation it was discovered that his stacks and sheds were on fire. The neighbors gathered as soon as possible and did all...
by JRobins | Oct 19, 1890 | Kaysville News
“There is sunshine after rain” C. O. Card was in town yesterday. John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday. Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the street yesterday. County Assessor and Collector Egan, of Bountiful, was here on official...